Welcome to Smart Start Day Nursery

Early Years Foundation Stage and Learning Journeys
Baby Unit

Children's Bathroom

Toddler and Pre-school Nursery
Reception area
Play Rooms
These areas of learning are approached through play and take into account children’s own interests and individual needs.
Our Pre-School is designed to develop children’s confidence in learning, self esteem and social skills, thereby equipping them for their continued education as they make their transition to school.
Outdoor Play Area

Please note...
Additional experiences offered by nursery
1. Sensory play daily activities
2. We also have ‘Music for Kids’. Martin the music man visits us weekly.
3. Throughout the year we organise social events such as Charity Fundraising, Christmas Party and Concert.
4. Parents are always welcome to join us if they wish.
5. We have a photographer who visits us each year.
6. We regularly visit the local mobile library.
7. We take advantage, weather permitting, to visit Sutton Park as it is on our doorstep and other local walks.
8. We have links with our neighbouring primary school enabling shared experiences for the children and we use their outdoor facilities.
Copies of all our policies and procedures are available in the reception areas in both units for
your information.
Jenny Harris (Foundation Degree in Early Years) – Nursery Manager
Sandra Conway – (Foundation Degree in Early Years) – Deputy Manager

Opening Hours
Our central heating system was specifically designed with young children in mind. We have
installed low-temperature radiators in rooms, along with thermostatically controlled valves to our
hot water system. We also have emergency lighting, and smoke detectors located throughout
the building.
7.30 am.—6.30 p.m
(Monday – Friday)
Please note fees are calculated over 51 weeks and divided into 12 monthly payments,
including all Bank Holidays and Christmas close down.
Nursery will be closed for the following Bank Holidays;
New Years Day – 1 day
Easter (Good Friday and Easter Monday) – 2 days
May Day – 1 day
Spring Bank Holiday – 1 day
August Bank Holiday – 1 day
Christmas – Each year in December we close between Christmas and New Year
Information is displayed on our notice board.