Smart Start Day Nursery Extras
All of our extra activities are included in nursery fees.
Forest School
As a nursery, we wanted to offer our pre-school children a different experience and way of learning that offered more freedom and a chance to explore our local, natural environment and use nature’s resources.
Martin ‘the music man’ visits us 6 times a month to play guitar and sing with the children. The children participate enthusiastically in Martin’s sessions.

Forest School sessions for pre-school children
We provide activities for our pre-schoolers in Sutton Park as part of our Forest School experience.
Our team have attended training for Forest School leaders and lead these sessions with small groups. Due to our location, we use Sutton Park for the majority of our forest school experiences, as we can walk our children to local gates and entrances.
Sutton Park is perfect as it has open heathland, woodlands, seven lakes, wetlands and marshes. Each with its own rich variety of plants and wildlife.

Startwell Healthy Living scheme
This scheme is all about being active, eating well and achieving more.
At Smart Start Day Nursery, we have completed our level one and are currently working towards our level two. We are all having lots of fun taking part in physical games and our lovely ladies in the kitchen are providing us all with healthy meals.
Find out more about Startwell and their ideas and recipes by clicking the link below.
Isabel who runs the mobile library welcomes Smart Start Day Nursery children to participate in story sessions and enables them to borrow books to encourage reading. Isabel sent us this lovely letter…
As we start a new school year I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for all your support last year.It has been a pleasure to welcome you on to the Mobile Library vehicle…long may it continue!
The children became noticeably more confident and hopefully a love for books and reading has been encouraged.
I particularly enjoy the special story and craft sessions that I can do for you during the school holidays and we had a lot of fun producing ‘super heroes’!
I hope the ‘Super Duck’ story has been well read.
Isabel Mobile Library

Makaton Trained
Many of the nursery staff have received makaton training. This enables them to support children’s communication skills from a young age and build their confidence when communicating with others.